Lab Grown Diamonds


Is a lab grown diamond better than a natural diamond?

This depends on what you’re going for; both lab grown and natural diamonds from Wed Me are conflict-free and vary in their diamond grading. Lab grown diamonds allow you to maximize your budget, giving up to 50% more size for the same cost, while natural diamonds are incredible works of nature and the traditional choice.

Where do lab grown diamonds come from?

Lab grown diamonds are created in a lab, but that does NOT mean they are not real diamonds. Scientists start with a diamond seed – a thin sliver of a Diamond – then expose it to temperatures and pressures to make it grow like a diamond under the ground. A carbon coating helps the diamond crystalize as it grows.

 This advanced technology simulates natural growth, allowing the seeds to mature from a sliver to a fully-formed diamond.

Are lab grown diamonds the same as natural diamonds? If not, how are they different?

Lab grown diamonds and natural diamonds offer identical optical and chemical composition. The sparkle is the same – the core difference between them is their origin.

Are lab grown diamonds or natural diamonds of higher quality?

Neither is inherently higher quality; both lab grown and natural diamonds are available in a range of qualities. For example, while the color of one diamond may be superior, the other diamond may be superior in clarity – this isn’t connected to the diamond’s origin.

How is a lab grown diamond made?

Scientists start with a diamond seed – a small sliver of chemicals – then expose it to temperatures and pressures to make it grow like a diamond under the ground. A carbon coating helps the diamond crystalize as it grows.

Will I still receive an appraisal and/or a laboratory certificate?

Yes. James Allen lab grown diamonds are graded to the same standards as our natural diamonds. That means your lab grown diamond will be accompanied by an independent laboratory report detailing its “4 Cs” – cut, color, clarity, and carat weight. If your diamond is mounted into jewelry, it will also be accompanied by an insurance appraisal.

Okay, so the untrained eye cannot tell the difference between lab grown and natural diamonds. What about the trained eye?

Same deal, because lab grown diamonds are virtually and chemically identical to natural diamonds, they cannot be distinguished even with a professional loupe.

Will the return policy be the same?

Yes! We stand behind all our products and want you to be 100% satisfied with your purchase. You may return your jewelry piece for a full refund or exchange within 30 days.

Video on Lab Grown Diamond